



Ochanomizu University Program for Leading Graduate Schools: “Kickoff Symposium―The Doctorate Holders Who Will Lead a Diverse Society”
Report of Kickoff Symposium on Mar. 3rd, 2014

Kickoff Symposium was held

Ochanomizu University Program for Leading Graduate Schools “Fostering long-term creativity and innovation with science and technology disciplines based on Ochanomizu spirit ‘Migakazuba’ in the next generation of global leaders” held a kickoff symposium titled “Kickoff Symposium–The Doctorate Holders Who Will Lead a Diverse Society” on March 3rd, 2014 in the Inter-Faculty Building 2 Room 201, Ochanomizu University.

The Symposium started with greetings from University President Sawako Hanyu followed by a guest speech by Director Shino Inomata of the Ministry of Education? Culture? Sports? Science and Technology. Project Professor Hiroaki Takayanagi of the Leading Graduate School Promotion Center served as the moderator.

President HanyuOpening remarks by President Hanyu

Director Shino Inomata Guest speech by Director Inomata

Signing CeremonySigning ceremony of partnership agreement

Subsequently, the signing ceremony of partnership agreement for educational research took place, where the Agreement to promote Partnership and Cooperation between Ochanomizu University and KEK (High Energy Accelerator Research Organization) was concluded.

In the first session of the symposium, following the introduction to the program by Prof. Hazuki Furukawa, keynote lectures titled “The Doctorate Holders Who Will Lead a Diverse Society” were presented by Prof. Atsuto Suzuki (Director General, KEK), Ms. Yukako Uchinaga (Board Chair, Japan Women’s Innovative Network) and Mr. Luis López-Remón (Senior Vice President, Lanxess GmbH).

Prof. FurukawaPresentation by Prof. Furukawa

Prof. SuzukiKeynote lecture by Prof. Suzuki, KEK

Ms. UchinagaKeynote lecture by Ms. Uchinaga, J-Win

Mr. López-RemónKeynote lecture by Mr. López-Remón, Lanxess GmbH

Panel discussionPanel discussion

In the first half of the second session, the panel discussion themed “How to develop woman resources in science and technology who can maintain innovation in the society” was held with five panelists moderated by Program Coordinator Prof. Hazuki Furukawa. Panelists include three professors in charge of the Program for Leading Graduate Universities, Prof. Toshiyuki Awaji (Executive Vice President, Kyoto University), Prof. Tsuyoshi Kimura (Osaka University) and Prof. Isao Satoh (Tokyo Institute of Technology) as well as Ms. Yoko Kobayashi (CEO, NTT Com CHEO) and Ms. Masako Konishi (WWF Japan) who participate in the program as advisors. They had lively discussions including questions and answers from the audience.

In the latter half, Ochanomizu alumna Ms. Miku Hirano (CEO, Spicy Cinnamon) and Prof. Steven Hayward (University of East Anglia, UK) gave short talks.

Ms. HiranoShort talk by Ms. Hirano

Prof. HaywardShort talk by Prof. Hayward

Following the short talks, the participants in the minor course program, Kimiko Yamashita and Akiko Mito, talked of their ambitions for the program.

Program participantProgram participant

Program participantProgram participant

President KawamuraClosing remarks by Executive Vice President Kawamura

Lastly, Executive Vice President Tetsuya Kawamura, Program Director, gave the closing remarks.

The symposium was a big success with more than 140 attendants from industries, partner schools, program members, Ochanomizu University staffs and students, etc. participating actively through questions and answers.

In the reception after the symposium, almost 100 people joined and deepened exchanges.

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