
  • TOP
  • Directions and Map

Directions and Map

Ochanomizu University Address

2-1-1 Ohtsuka, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 112-8610, Japan

Campus Phone Information: 03-3943-3151

Traffic access

Access route

Access route
  • Closest bus stop - Otsuka 2-chome
  • Closest Marunouchi Line Stop - Myogadani Station (7 min. walk)
  • Closest Yurakucho Line Stop - Gokokuji Station (8 min. walk)

Map around university

Map around university

Campus map

Cubic diagram

Cubic diagram
  • 1 Main Building
    • Administration Office
    • Faculty of Human Life & Environmental Sciences
    • University Archive
    • Research Center for Child and Adolescent Develpment and Education
  • 2 Auditoriums
  • 3 (provisional name)Building for Student Affairs
    • Institute for Gender Studies
    • Center for Women's Education and Development
  • 4 Faculty of Letters & Education, Building 1
    • Center for Comparative Japanese Studies
    • International Exchange and Education Center
    • Language Center
  • 5 Inter-Faculty Building 1
  • 6 Inter-Faculty Building 2
  • 7 Inter-Faculty Building 3
  • 8 University Library
  • 9 Health Care Center
  • 10 Cafeteria
  • 11 Student Club Facility
  • 12 Student Hall
    • Student Support Center
  • 13 Faculty of Letters & Education, Building 2
  • 14 Student Meeting Center
  • 15 University Gymnasium
  • 16 Graduate School of Humanities & Sciences Building
    • Life-World Watch Center
  • 17 Radioisotope Research Center
  • 18 Faculty of Science, Building 1
    • Center for Soft Matter Physics
    • Science and Education Center
  • 19 Faculty of Science, Building 2
  • 20 Faculty of Science, Building 3
  • 21 Information, Media and Education Square
  • 22 Comprehensive Research Building
    • Institute of Environmental Science for Human Life
    • The Glycoscience Institute
  • 23 Kindergarten
  • 24 Elementary School Building 1
  • 25 Elementary School Building 2
  • 26 Elementary School Building 3
  • 27 Elementary School Gymnasium
  • 28 High School Main Building
  • 29 High School Gymnasium
  • 30 Junior High School Building 1
  • 31 Junior High School Building 2
  • 32 Junior High School Gymnasium
  • 33 Izumi Nursery
  • 34 Ohtsuka Lodging
  • 35 Sakura Hall
  • 36 Ohin Hall
  • 37 Ochadai Academic Production Research Building
  • 38 Tea-ceremony Building
  • 39 Faculty of Human Life and Environmental Sciences, Main Building 2
  • 40 Ochadai Information Plaza



Ochanomizu University Homepage Steering Committee

2-1-1 Otsuka, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 112-8610, Japan
